Advice From the Trenches: Frantz Ward Construction Webinar Series


Frantz Ward LLP announces a six-part webinar series presented by its locally and nationally-recognized Construction Practice Group. The webinar series, Advice from the Trenches, will focus on the latest contractual, legal and construction industry issues and trends.

The first five webinars in the series will feature panel discussions hosted by the firm’s construction attorneys and industry experts. The final webinar in the series will be presented by attorneys in Frantz Ward’s nationally recognized Labor and Employment Practice Group.

Advice from the Trenches begins on Wednesday, February 24 and will take place every other Wednesday through May 5. The webinars begin at noon and will be conducted through Zoom. Registration is required for this free series. The registration link to sign up for one or more webinars in the series is available in the button below. Ohio Continued Learning Education (CLE) credit hours will also be available for participation.

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