The SBA Invites You to Small Business Summer School


Small Business Administration

Summer School is officially in session at the SBA. Find out how the SBA Learning Platform empowers and educates small business owners every day.

In the world of small business ownership, learning never stops. The American consumer is changing all the time, and so is the nature of the small business marketplace. There are an endless number of topics to stay abreast of, from marketing trends to industry regulations. Today’s worker has, by and large, embraced this fact. According to LinkedIn Learning’s 5th Annual Workplace Learning Report, more than half of surveyed workers — Gen Z respondents, in particular — believe that learning is the key to success in their career.

The desire for continuous education is there. But with so much material available all the time, it can be difficult to navigate the information landscape. Luckily, the SBA has you covered with the SBA Learning Platform, an online forum that includes courses on various entrepreneurial topics.


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