DPS Roof Replacement Project


United States

Public Safety
Scope of Work
ITB.pdf70.61 KB
Bid date
Where/how are plans available

Bidders must be on the Plan-holders list to submit a bid or receive any addenda. Out-of-area bidders may email requests to receive plans and specifications to, [email protected]. In the email request please include your company’s UPS Account number, full company’s name and address, company's contact / representative full name, contact telephone number, facsimile telephone number and email address. The UPS delivery charges for the plans and specifications will be billed to the bidder’s company UPS account number provided.

There will be a NON-MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting, Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The Meeting will be held at Fire Station Number 13. 4950 Broadway Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.

Bidding Process

Bid must be delivered to the Office of the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies, Cleveland City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 128, Cleveland, Ohio 44114 before 12 o’clock noon (Eastern Time).